Department of Languages and Translation

stemming from the founders awareness of the importance and urgency of the study of foreign languages, especially amidst the rapid technological development in the means of communication and information transfer. From this juncture, the College of Foreign Languages and Translation was inaugurated to accomplish the task of preparing a distinguished translator capable of dealing with the rapid technical evolution through language and multi-purpose laboratories, which provide students with intensive training in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. Furthermore, through developing the students potential in writing, reading, speaking and literature, the study in the college opens up countless fields for them in the national as well as the regional labor market. In addition, the undergraduate program offered by its multiple departments, the college has introduced postgraduate programs in the English, German and French departments in the fields of literature, linguistics and translation.
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Vision and Mision

The vision of the College of Foreign Languages and Translation is to be a distinguished educational institution in the field of translation and language development. It seeks to reach excellence and competitiveness nationally, globally. This will serve the purposes of comprehensive development for a better nation.

The vision of the College of Foreign Languages and Translation in Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST) is to be a distinguished educational institution in the field of translation and language development. It seeks to reach excellence and competitiveness nationally, globally. This will serve the purposes of comprehensive development for a better nation.


– Proficiency in the English language as a means of communication through listening, speaking, reading and writing courses from a practical and academic perspective.

– Achieving academic and intellectual leadership by graduating students capable of conducting original and academic research.

– Providing students with the learning and research needs necessary to develop innovative endeavors and practices.

– Developing a linguistic, practical and professional understanding of the nature of the translation process and its various fields.

Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?