Department of Survey and Map

The department of Survey and Mapping is responsible for the establishment of survey and geodetic controls, quality checks of cadastral jobs, survey of government land and international boundaries, production and printing of topographical maps.
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To produce and maintain cadastral maps, topographic maps, hydrographic charts, photogrammetric data and mapping.
To facilitate the co-ordination of aerial photography required for government purposes and capable of being used in the production of maps.
To provide the survey infrastructure necessary to integrate land related information.
To specify requirements for and where appropriate, arrange surveys for land acquisition, state leases, licences, state grants and redefinitions of state land boundaries.
To receive, hold, distribute, reproduce and sell, topographic, cadastral and derived maps, aerial photographs and other survey and mapping documents required for government or public use.
To authorize and where appropriate, charge for the use or reproduction of survey and mapping information recorded by the Division.
To be custodian of a Survey Register and appropriate index survey plans in which any survey made by a Trinidad and Tobago Land Surveyor shall be registered.
The establishment of the precise boundaries of the waters under the nation’s jurisdiction
The provision nationally, of graphic and digital land related data to consistent standards of accuracy and integrity.
vision & mission
To contribute to the development and economic success of Trinidad and Tobago by adopting new technologies for providing up-to-date and authoritative maps, charts and land and sea information, in conventional paper and progressively in digital form
To forge a partnership between management, the staff, trade unions, customers to adopt new technologies and create a modern high performance learning service organisation