Tourist guides and monuments

The courses are carried out both practically in the field and in classroom environments with the support of computer technologies. These courses consist of compulsory, vocational, and elective courses. In addition to the compulsory English courses spread over eight semesters, students acquire a second foreign language proficiency as they take one of the foreign languages ​​in German, French, or Russian for eight semesters. Elective and vocational elective courses are organized in a way that will enable the students to gain different expertise in terms of tour guiding. In addition, elective and vocational elective courses in business administration, economics, marketing, and management are offered to provide employment in other tourism businesses such as travel businesses, airlines, and other transportation businesses, and accommodation businesses.
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who should attend?

Lawyers – judges and prosecutors – lawyers of all categories – directors of legal, administrative and financial affairs – economists and consultants in all disciplines – businessmen – university students and graduate students

Vision & Mission

Vision is

being an innovative and life-long learning-oriented department that produces scientific knowledge and creates value for the region and the country, and is recognized in the national and international arena, with the quality and original education it offers.

Mission is

to train qualified human resources who have applied knowledge in the field of tourism and tour guidance; who can follow the developments in the country and the world, add value to their region and country with their knowledge and experience, and develop original ideas, research, and projects with their analytical thinking ability.

The basic values ​​adopted to realize this vision and mission are transparency, accountability, fairness, people-orientedness, innovation, creativity, reliability, and universality.

Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?